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The Ipswich Society sponsored a tree earlier this year, one of forty-four added to the Arboretum in Christchurch Park. The Friends of the Park decided which species to purchase (from each of the contributors) and 'our tree' is a Flowering Witch Hazel.
The wow factor in this story is that the Witch Hazel is now in bud and is likely to flower (in January - Witch Hazel is a winter flowering plant). For its own protection the tree isn't named or its location marked but it can be found (if you know what you are looking for). Enter the top of the Upper Arboretum from the Bridal Path and it's a few yards down the path on the left. Expect a multitude of red flowers.
This information comes to me from David Miller who wrote the excellent book; Ipswich Arboretum, A History and Celebration (reviewed in the Newsletter) and has just published a Supplement, New Trees 2014/5.
John Norman