- Screen Colours:
- Normal
- Black & Yellow
See also our page of links to other local heritage & cultural groups.
The Ipswich Society on other websites
- The Society on Facebook
- The Image Archive on Flickr
- The Society's YouTube channel
- John Norman's Ipswich Icons
Civic Voice
Civic Voice Design Awards
Local organisations & other useful links.
The Society is represented on 20 or more other bodies, prominent among which are:
- Ipswich Conservation Advisory Panel
- Ipswich Building Preservation Trust
- Ipswich Historic Churches Trust
- Suffolk Preservation Society
- Ipswich Archaeological Trust
- Ipswich Maritime Trust
- Suffolk Local History Council
- Suffolk Record Office
- Suffolk Records Society
- Suffolk Institute of Archaeology & History
- English Heritage Images of England
- Local heritage and cultural groups (list)
- Ipswich Historic Lettering by Borin Van Loon
- Planning introductory page, which leads you to...
- Planning Online page
- Ipswich Society's page on the IBC website
- Ipswich Heritage Forum
- Ipswich Conservation and Design Panel
Local Civic Societies.
We are in touch with most similar groups with whom we exchange newsletters and information.
- The Sudbury Society
- The Bury Society
- The Felixstowe Society
- The Harwich Society
- Colchester Civic Society
- The Hadleigh Society
- The Norwich Society
The Civic Society of Great Yarmouth
The Stowmarket Society
Hunstanton and District Civic Society
Some pages on the site have linked lists of places/sites (for example, the Heritage Open Days and the Blue plaques pages).
Fore Street Facelift 1961 Links:-
The Ted King reminiscences of Fore Street 1910 audio files on Youtube.
Kindred Spirits run by photographer David Kindred who provided the 1961 Fore Street photographs.
Kindred Spirits article: An Edwardian childhood in Ipswich focusing on Fore Street.
W.J. Leggett paintings of Ipswich. William John Leggett (1856-1936) was a signwriter based in Dogs Head Street. He recorded many examples of buildings and street scenes in Ipswich in the 19th to early 20th century. The Borough's collection of his paintings were displayed at the Art School Gallery in High Street in early 2018.