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Our planning policies are decided by the Executive Committee and carried out by Ipswich Society planning officers. They also act as planning monitors and they examine the weekly planning applications and make formal comments to the Borough Council (see Links) on behalf of the Society. Important or contentious proposals are reported to the Executive Committee. The representations made to the council are summarised in each Newsletter.
Photograph: Tony Marsden, Mike Cook and Bob Allen examine the 1958 map showing the proposed dual carriageway Ring-Road round the middle of Ipswich. See our April 2016 Newsletter article (in two parts) on the abandoned project: 'The Ring-Road that never was'.
Scroll down for our most recent 'Planning Matters' update.
Earlier Planning Matters. These can be found in our past Newsletters or by using the search box at the top of the page.
Ipswich Borough Council
For all planning matters in Ipswich, see the Borough Council's web pages: the Planning Online portal enables anyone to access information on these pages. These include building regulations; tree preservation; listed building information, but importantly one is able to scrutinise individual planning applications. If one has the the planning application number it's possible to search for the application and download all the documentation, plans etc. which support it (Links section).
The Ipswich Society is also represented on both the Conservation & Design Panel and the Ipswich Heritage Forum; see our Links section for further information.