- Screen Colours:
- Normal
- Black & Yellow
To be held in the Methodist Church, Museum Street (entrance Black Horse Lane) at 7.30 pm. All welcome, including non-members.
12 December
'Advanced Medical Research in Ipswich'
by Professor Brendon Noble
Professor Noble is Head of the School of Health, Science and Social Care at University Campus Suffolk. He is leading a research programme to develop ways in which stem cell-derived material can be used to treat cartilage damage and joint disease. At UCS, his School is responsible for the training of scientists and healthcare professionals. He grew up in Suffolk and is keen to contribute to regional development through his interests in education and human and animal health. He is a Governor of Ipswich Hospital Trust.
9 January
'Fifty Years of Planning in Suffolk'
by Clifford Smith
Clifford Smith was Chief Planning Officer and then Chief Executive of East Suffolk County Council until Local Government reorganisation in 1974, after which he became Chief Executive of Suffolk County Council. He has been involved in the planning process as a consultant and an outspoken critic since leaving the Local Authority. He knows the town well as he lives in Ipswich and is a member of this Society.