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In spite of the economic gloom and somewhat unreliable weather Ipswich has enjoyed some great festive events at the Waterfront this summer.
On 25 June the Pin Mill Sailing Club held their 50th Annual Barge Match and this special occasion was marked by the IMT with an evening of celebration at the Old Custom House. The largest number of barges seen for many years was on show in the Wet Dock dressed overall. They had made their way up-river prior to the day of the race and made a truly impressive sight, "A Parade of Sail".
On 24 July the IMT hosted a reception to mark the Sea Cadets' and Ipswich 13th Sea Scouts' Water Sports Event. We were treated to demonstrations of rowing, sailing, canoeing and motor-boating by youngsters between the ages of 10 and 18. They were joined by three Dutch vessels with a total of over 100 officers and crew, some of whom were invited to our evening's hospitality.
We were pleased to see so many people enjoying the Maritime Festival in August. It reminds us that we have a great asset in our Waterfront.
Our Museum Window located at The Mill on Albion Wharf continues to attract interest and appreciation. The subject of the themed display this autumn is "The Port of Ipswich and its Trades". More material from the public for inclusion in our museum storage facility is welcome. Anyone wishing to discuss contributions can contact the IMT at info@ipswichmaritimetrust.org.uk
The IMT has financially supported the publication of The Port of Ipswich, its Shipping and Trades by Richard W Smith and Jill Freestone. Copies can be purchased at the Ipswich Tourist Information Centre and at College Gate Bookshop in Silent Street.
Just a reminder that our autumn/winter programme of lectures continues at the Royal Harwich Yacht Club, Woolverstone on Wednesday evenings (planned never to clash with Ipswich Society lectures). Professor John Midwinter will discuss "Alternative Energy" on 2 November and Jonathan Betts will be talking about "The Work of Greenwich Observatory" on 7 December. Everyone is welcome and there is ample car parking.
Diana Lewis