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Society Outings are organised through the summer months, publicised via Newsletter inserts:-
Tuesday July 18: Watts Gallery Artists' Village, Guildford
Tuesday August 8: Eltham Palace
Wednesday September 27: Hampstead and Kenwood House
Heritage Open Weekend: September 9-10. Watch out for the comprehensive booklet.
Winter Illustrated Talks at Museum St Methodist Church (entrance in Black Horse Lane); all talks start at 7.30pm and free tea, coffee and biscuits are provided afterwards. All are welcome.
Wednesday September 20: Bob Markham, What have we done with the Mansion? In 1895 Ipswich Council was presented with an empty house in Christchurch Park…
Wednesday October 18: Lisa Wade (UoS), Sex in the 18th Century London.
Wednesday December 20: John Harvey, Fire Service history in Ipswich and Suffolk.
Annual Awards Evening: Wednesday November 15, 7.30pm. St Peter's-on-the-Waterfront.
Heritage Symposium 2017: Saturday 18 Nov., 10.30am - 4pm. Museum St Methodist Church.