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Railway station, Burrell Road: construction of footbridge and lifts linking platform 2 with platforms 3 & 4.
'Whilst we support a second footbridge with good access for the disabled we are unhappy with some of the design details. We like the strong vertical concrete pillars of support at either end of the bridge. However we would like to see better screening beneath the stairs. The stairs are understandably in three separate flights whereas the roof is one continuous line. This is inharmonious with the surrounding good Victorian buildings.'
(IBC has refused permission because design does not fit with the station.)
1 Neptune Quay: demolition of snooker club and erection of new 8 storey extension to Salthouse Harbour Hotel increasing number of bedrooms from 43 to 72.
'The Society has considered this attractive application. We fully support the demolition of the snooker club and its replacement... We do like the facade and its detailing, the retention of a pedestrian thoroughfare to Fore Street and the proposed use of the ground floor. However we are strongly opposed to its height. Whilst we support the continuation of the rhythmic gables which are now an established part of the architectural language of the north side of the Waterfront, we are sure it would be better for the peak to be lower than the peak of the buildings on either side, the hotel and the Neptune Quay apartments, rather than higher as proposed. This is an absolutely key site; would it not be sensible to ask the opinion of English Heritage and CABE before making a decision. We are also concerned that the bulk of the buildings will deprive the Neptune Inn of light and privacy. Until revised proposals are put forward we would suggest refusal.'
(IBC has refused permission.)
Unitarian Meeting House: erection of single storey extension to meeting hall.
'We understand the necessity of finding disabled access facilities available at all times for the meeting house but we do not feel it necessary to build an extension. It ought to be possible to rearrange the current interior to provide adequate space. We would like to see more discussion with the Officers before the current application is considered.'
(Application withdrawn.)
'Island Site', Duke Street: demolition of commercial buildings and erection of building (8 floors) for student accommodation and commercial uses.
'The suggested use of this site is entirely appropriate.'
(IBC has approved with four conditions.)
Reservoir site, Park Road: demolition of existing reservoirs and erection of 6 dwellings and refurbishment of No 3 Park Road.
'We congratulate the architects and developers for designing this attractive scheme which will utilise a brownfield site, set in an important architectural road in such a way that only the upper storeys will be seen by passers-by... This will be an expensive site to develop and in the present climate there will be a temptation to water down the attractive details of the construction. Assuming permission is granted, it will be important to ensure through conditions that it is built absolutely according to the plans produced.'
(IBC approved with minor conditions.)
36 Warrington Road, severance of rear garden, demolition of garage and side extension: erection of detached 2 storey dwelling and new garage for No 36.
'The design of the new house is attractive, well thought out and highly sustainable... The utilisation of back gardens for housing, particularly close to the town centre, is very tempting when there is pressure to find extra windfall plots in the town. However we feel that this plot is too small for such development... The Society feels that this application should be refused because it is overdevelopment on a backland site and would alter the Park Conservation Area for the worse..'
(IBC refused planning permission.)
53-55 Westerfield Road: demolition of 2-apartment building and creation of 6 apartments.
The Society objected because of size, design, overdevelopment, etc.
(Application withdrawn.)
Elton Park Works, Hadleigh Road, site of Manganese Bronze and Geest offices: an outline planning application for 120 residential units, 70 bed care home, business offices, etc.
The site is partly in Babergh but rather more than half in Ipswich. There would be several problems facing the developers, but the Society supports the application at this early stage.
The outcome of previous applications which we commented on:
85-87 Fore Street (next to the Lord Nelson): student accommodation.
We supported it and IBC approved.
19 Neptune Quay, revised landscaping of UCS courtyard. withdrawn.
19 Neptune Quay, revised landscaping of UCS courtyard. We opposed; now withdrawn.