Winter Illustrated Talks at Museum Street Methodist Church (entrance in Blackhorse Lane); all talks start at 7.30pm and free tea, coffee and biscuits are provided afterwards. All are welcome.

Wednesday January 18: Borin Van Loon on The Beat of the Ipswich Streets II. The creator of The Ipswich Historic Lettering website will focus on a wide range of signs and lettering which evoke the past of the town and its people, including many unseen examples.

Wednesday 15 February: John Field on Giles in Ipswich. John Field, who has been researching the work of Carl Giles and in particular those drawn using a background featuring typical Ipswich buildings and streets, has put together an interesting collection of images which he will share with members.

Wednesday March 15: Tony Redman on ‘Suffolk Building Stone and the people who worked on it’.

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