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To provide background to the Government's £21m-£25 investment in upgrading transport in Ipswich, here are some actual quotations from the official document. The proposals have already had a bad press with many motorists lining up to be sceptical or hostile. The Society will consider the proposals carefully because they contain much of interest.
"Scheme concept
Ipswich is an important and vibrant county town, performing a wide range of roles for its residents, hinterland, and business and cultural communities. It has a long and rich history. In recent decades, it has adapted to the dominance of the car mode. The concept of the 'Ipswich-Transport Fit for the 21st Century' Major Scheme is to implement a coherent and concerted package of measures covering all aspects of travel in the wider Ipswich area. The objective is to achieve a significant shift to more sustainable travel- from car to bus and active modes, while responding to the targets for supporting residential and employment growth. Integral to the Scheme itself are information components to inform and encourage this shift in travel habits…… "
"Town centre travel
The challenge is to offer safe, attractive and convenient walk and cycle links to minimise cross town centre traffic ..... "
"Suburban travel
Ipswich has a dense and constrained radial suburban development pattern, both suitable for serving by bus and unsuitable for the car ..... and there is a challenge to redesign and expand the bus service capacity to serve the town centre, the new residential developments and the edge of town concentrations of employment and commerce."
"Hinterland travel
Ipswich is a county town providing vital employment ... to the surrounding area. The railway services, the inter-urban bus services and the Park and Ride sites all perform important but limited roles ... The challenge is to expand these roles in an attractive and cost effective way."
[Please note that word 'expand' - Editor]