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... Core Strategies and Policy Document
This is a summary of the many responses made by the Society in late November to IBC's document, much of which has our support.
The Location of and Nature of Development
This proposed policy of allocating employment to the Cranes site will not encourage the engine of the town centre. We believe it is important to encourage the redevelopment of sites in Princes Street and Grafton Way. It seems illogical to site our major employment sites on the eastern borders and the housing areas on the north western fringe.
The amount of housing required
We remain sceptical, not about the numbers, but about the rate of growth. We can find no evidence that at current economic growth rates we will need to bring forward the date of utilising greenfield land north of Ipswich. Nevertheless in due course it will have to be used and thus if Ipswich is to retain any reputation as a well planned authority it is obligatory to have the whole of the Northern Fringe assessed and planned by consultants of national status. It would be totally unacceptable to allow individual house builders to proceed as they wish, driven by what they see as the market. It is probable that in future years it will have to take up to 5,000 dwellings.
Planning for jobs growth
We would like to see specific encouragement given to upper level developments for professional, business, banking and insurance use, particularly in the lP-One Area. This would reduce the need for commuters to cross town, and some would clearly live on the Waterfront and walk to work.
East-West Transport policy
Whilst the Society would like to see improvements to the east-west traffic flow, it does believe that this is not such a major problem. Some relatively minor improvement schemes with traffic light phasing will help a great deal.
Urban Design
We would like to see this re-worded so that it becomes incumbent on any applicant to fulfil strict criteria laid down by the Council. We are still allowing too much very poor stuff to be built. The Planning and Development Committee needs to be given more teeth so that it can more comfortably reject such applications without fear of appeals.
Buildings of Townscape Interest
- The Government's Draft PPS 15, to which the Council has replied, reduces the protection of Grade II Listed buildings. Your intention to make protection remains as it is now should be emphasised.
- We are particularly concerned that buildings which do not comply with a low C02 footprint may be altered in a completely unsympathetic way or even demolished.
- We are delighted that the Local List is to be updated. The Society itself produced the 1977 edition and would hope to be involved with the Head of Conservation in this work.