- Screen Colours:
- Normal
- Black & Yellow
These lectures are held on Thursdays at 1pm in Ipswich Film Theatre. They cover a wide range of local subjects and should be well worth hearing. Admission is free with a retiring collection.
- 13 February — The History and Future of Brewing in Suffolk by John Murphy (St Peter's Brewery)
- 10 April — Belstead House - the First 900 Years by Janet Dann (Conference & Courses Manager there)
- 12 June — Changing Face of Ipswich, 1950s to Present Day by Harold Mangar (Chairman, SCC)
- 14 August — Films Made in E Anglia in Last 100 Years by David Cleveland (Director E A Film Archive)
- 9 October — The Ipswich Wall Hangings by Isabel Clover (Designer of the Wall Hangings)
- 11 December — The Role of Women in Ipswich 1900-1945 by Diane Sawyer (Ipswich Women's History Group)