Wherry and Neptune Quays, Wet Dock, Ipswich

The exigencies of a quarterly newsletter to members result in some strange anomalies; e.g. the white heat of a controversy – particularly one that was as protracted as “Ben’s Bridge” over the Orwell between Rapier Street and Toller Road. From 2015, Ipswich was assailed by vocal support for the project (mainly from those in political and commercial power) extolling the beneficial effects of the bridge on traffic congestion, then strong objections (mainly from residents who would be adversely affected) protesting an increase in traffic congestion caused by the bridge. It all seems a long time ago. In the end a new person at the head of the ruling Conservative group at Suffolk County Council called in the project and following an audit (projected price £139.8 million – plus inevitable future cost inflation), eventually abandoned the largest bridge project at the end of January 2019. Result: some disappointed; some relieved.    R.G.

Executive Committee

Generally the Executive Committee of the Ipswich Society consists of 12 members, although this is not absolute in that we can co-opt individuals, especially if they offer a particular skill.

At the forthcoming Annual General Meeting two members of the Exec will tender their resignation and the positions they hold will become vacant.  Both have agreed to stay on the committee until their replacement is comfortable with those particular tasks.

Teresa Wiggin, Minutes Secretary is moving home in September to be near her family and Graham Smith is retiring as Treasurer.  If you can help the Society by fulfilling either of these roles or, if you simply want to observe what the Executive does, please contact the Honorary Secretary or myself (details on page 23). John Norman,  Chairman

Architect’s visualisation of the renovated Cornhill, see Chairman's remarks, page 3