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The Ipswich Arts Association's 12th series of lunchtime lectures will be held in Museum Street Methodist Church from 1.00 pm to 1.50 pm. The remaining lectures are:
12 May, ‘Made in Ipswich', a survey of manufacturing industries in Ipswich, by Brian Dyes.
14 July, 'Films Made in Suffolk', illustrated with some film clips, by Professor Chris Green.
8 September, 'George Ewart Evans', the writer on rural crafts and traditions, by Anne Parry.
10 November, 'History of Speedway in Ipswich' by Chris Louis and Peter Thorpe.
Wolsey Lecture 2011- 'Henry VIII: The Wolsey Years'
This lecture will be given by Diarmaid MacCulloch, FBA, Professor of the History of the Church in the University of Oxford, on Wednesday, 6 April, 7.00 pm. in the Great School at Ipswich School, entrance from Ivry Street. Entrance £5.00 at the door; students free.
The lecture is given under the auspices of UCS and Suffolk New College.