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The Ipswich Branch of the Royal British Legion decided on a Millennium Project to extend the town's war memorial. The extension will record the names of the 620 Ipswich servicemen who lost their lives in the Second World War. The existing roll of honour on the memorial in Christchurch Park records only the names of the Hrst World War dead.
The Ipswich Branch discussed repair and renovation of the memorial with Ipswich Borough Council who accepted its liability in this respect but could not meet the complete cost of funding an extension. As Legion funds cannot be used for war memorials, an application was made for a Lottery grant which was unsuccessful. Subsequently, modified plans have been prepared which have now been granted Full Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent. The bronze names plaques are completed, paid for and securely stored but the final costings for making good and extra stonework to the Wall of Honour and erection of the plaques are awaited. Hopefully this will prove an attainable figure.
The media has responded well to the fund-raising and many local businesses, members of the public and individual councillors have made generous donations which currently total £42,000, plus a "ring-fenced" grant from the Council's Communities Improvement Fund. About £10,000 is still to be found. An unveiling ceremony is planned for 16 May, exactly 80 years after the dedication of the monument.
If members of The Ipswich Society would like to contribute to the fund, they can contact the President of the Ipswich Branch of the Royal British Legion, Reg Driver, at 9 The Lawns, Ipswich, IN 3LQ (telephone Ipswich 272690).