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Logo & mistletoe from Jean Smart
Thank you for the explanation regarding the Ipswich Society logo in the last Newsletter. It's amazing how often we see something and take it for granted; our eye and brain has learnt that particular logo is that of the Society but I was not aware of its makeup and of its significance. Now when I see the logo I can actually see distinctly the component parts.
On a point of seeing things and accepting them, Ed. - there have been 'balls' of mistletoe in the trees all around the town for at least the last 10 years that I know of; I am always amazed that they are still in situ after the Christmas period.
The Ship from Ken Wilson
The photograph [from our Slide Collection] of Bernard Reynolds' Ship in the January Newsletter is a reminder of the many imposing features that once enhanced what was to have been the main entrance to the Civic Centre on the lower ground floor. These included John Green's dramatic mural of the river. (I was assured that this would be preserved - where is it now?)
The Ship as pictured is, even then, deprived of its original watery surroundings and it now stands, a short distance away, high and dry on its mound like some latter-day Noah's Ark.