Wednesday October 20, 7.30pm: Illustrated Winter Talk at Museum Street Methodist Church.

Wednesday November 24, 7.30pm: Annual Awards Evening at The Hold.*

Wednesday December 15, 7.30pm: Illustrated Winter Talk at Museum Street Methodist Church.

*We  are hoping that the Awards Evening will go ahead this year and have booked the Hold for the 24th November - start time is yet to be finalised. It is to be hoped that the evening will incorporate a number of as yet uncelebrated presentations.  The plans are in flux, but members will be kept informed with the progress. Tony Marsden.                      

All the above dates are subject to Covid restrictions.


Quest for a rare book by Harriet Isham Grimwade

Can you help? We have been asked by Dr Peter Shwarz from Edinburgh if anyone knows the whereabouts of a copy of In Memoriam: Jessie McFarlane, by Harriet Isham Grimwade, Ipswich's first publicly elected woman (written anonymously as 'HIG'). 

Please contact the Editor if you can help.