Winter Illustrated Talks at Museum St Methodist Church (entrance in Black Horse Lane); all talks start at 7.30pm and free tea, coffee and biscuits are provided afterwards. All are welcome.


Wednesday 17 October: Planning for Suffolk's next emergency by Major CJ St John Green RAMC, of the Suffolk County Council Emergency Planning Team.

Wednesday 19 December: Brickmakers Wood: the Eden Rose Trust project in Ipswich – as seen on TV – by Jo Brooks (article: page 12).

Wednesday 16 January 2019: Ipswich treasures by John Field.

Wednesday 20 February 2019: Ipswich cinemas and theatres by Eric Thorndyke.


October 12-24: Royal Institute of British Architects (Suffolk) autumn exhibition at the University of Suffolk Waterfront Building; facilitated by The Ipswich Society.

Wednesday November 21, 7.30pm: Ipswich Society Annual Awards Evening. St Peter’s-by-the- Waterfront.


Wednesday 17 October, 7.30pm: Ipswich Building Preservation Trust AGM; speaker: Lewis Herbert on Strategic planning and conservation in eastern England at Isaac’s on Wherry Quay.