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In the July 2014 edition of The Ipswich Society newsletter, I introduced readers to the purpose and requirements of this project culminating in a plea for volunteers in many of the Ipswich wards. I am delighted to inform you that David Nunn contacted me and is now the Local History Recorder for Westgate Ward.
There are several long serving recorders in the Ipswich area but overall the town hasn't been covered sufficiently and I would like to appeal again for volunteers in the following wards: Alexandra, Bixley, Gainsborough, Gipping, Holywells, Priory Heath, Rushmere, St. Margaret, Sprites and Whitehouse.
So, if you are considering it, please contact me on janette1407@hotmail.co.uk to find out more or look on the website (click on 'Recorders', then click on 'Recorders Pack' within the text on the left hand side) to read the guidelines on what is involved in the role. It is not an onerous task; you are not required to do research for other people or to do historical research of your area, just to observe and record what is happening today as that will become tomorrow's history.
Janette Robinson