- Screen Colours:
- Normal
- Black & Yellow
Wednesday, 21 November at St Peter's by the Waterfront, 7.30 pm.
The Society's most important single event of the year should again generate a lot of interest. Despite the recession, there have been a number of intriguing new building schemes, both large and small, producing at the time of writing fifteen nominations for awards. Our slightly larger panel of judges this year will have been put to the test in deciding what are the best developments which the town can be proud of.
The students from Suffolk New College who attended last year, with their fresh younger eyes, made some valuable constructive suggestions which we have taken on board, so the evening should be better than ever! We are pleased to say that Bob Allen, our ex- Chairman and now one of our Vice-Presidents, will again present the nominations and report on the judges' comments as the photographs are projected on screen. So, come along to listen and then agree or disagree!
Drinks and nibbles will be available after the presentations - a good opportunity to discuss Society matters with friends and with the owners, architects and builders who are present to receive their awards. We hope to see many of you at St Peter's.