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The Port of Ipswich, its Shipping and Trades
by Richard W Smith and Jill Freestone
374pp Malthouse Press, 17 Reade Road, Holbrook, Ipswich, IP9 2QL
This splendid book is the result of twelve years of research by two people with a great interest in the port from childhood. They have also learnt much from numerous other sources and local people; and all this infol1nation is lovingly presented and lavishly illustrated. Not many Ipswich people, however, know a lot about the port and its many activities of the last two centuries: even fewer around the country know how significant the port has been to Britain's trade. So this book fulfils a real need and will be a mine of information about ships, cargoes, companies and many individuals. Our Society has contributed to meeting the considerable costs of producing such a large and attractive volume.
It is published in a limited edition of 250 copies, at only £30 plus £5 postage and packing. Copies can be obtained from the publisher above or from Ipswich Institute and the Tourist Information Centre.