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Many of our members will include in their range of interests a concern for aspects of exploration into the history of Suffolk. In that connection the name of the late Peter Northeast cannot fail to be a familiar one. As well as his own contribution to such research, he encouraged and inspired enthusiasm for such studies among many individuals and groups to whom he gave generously of his time and knowledge. Pete died in 2009, and the Suffolk Local History Council- the umbrella organisation for local history societies across the county - on which Peter served in many capacities for many years, wish to commemorate his life and work. This note provides early notice of one such SLHC venture.
A day conference - 'Peter Northeast Memorial History Conference' - has been arranged to take place on 19 March 2011 at Elmswell Community Hall. Speakers will include Dr David Dymond, Dr Nick Sign and Mr Clive Paine, all widely known in the Suffolk local history scene. Conference programmes can be obtained from the SHLC secretary, Mrs Deidre Heavens, 5 Cotswold Avenue, Ipswich, JP1 4LL. Tel: 254291, e-mail admin@slhc.org.uk
Further details of the SHLC can be viewed here
Ruth Serjeant, Ipswich Society representative on Suffolk Local History Council.