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Not many significant planning applications were made to IBC during July and August, perhaps a reflection of the economic slowdown. But here are some we commented on:
1 Neptune Quay: demolition of former snooker club adjacent to Salthouse Harbour Hotel, replacement with a new 6 storey extension to provide 27 additional bedrooms ...
'This proposal is largely supported by the Society .. .it is lower and without the striking gable. Terraces and waterfronts have been built up to the attractive state we now like by erecting dissimilar structures, not by attempting to create a wall of look-alikes. Assuming that it does not infringe on the inn to the north we support this application.'
1 Cobbold Street: demolition of existing storage and warehouse, erection of 3 and 2.5 storey block of flats incorporating 9 two-bedroom flats and 3 one-bedroom flats.
'The replacement of a jumble of undistinguished warehouses is appropriate. However, this is a street of small-scale terrace housing and really can't take a new development of this size.'
The outcome of previous planning applications:
The Great White Horse - permission granted for internal alterations to form coffee shop.
73-81 St Matthew's Street, Alexander House - permission granted for conversion to student accommodation with additional floor, despite our objections.
Elton Park, Hadleigh Road - partly in Ipswich, partly Babergh DC who have granted outline permission. Planning decision deferred by IBC. (We supported the application in general.)
SWISS Centre - approved by SCC regardless of our concern about traffic generated by it.
Gym & Trim, Lower Orwell St. 3-4 storey student accommodation - approved by IBC, but awaiting agreement on Section 106 negotiations.
Curson Lodge, 45 St Nicholas St, change of use to wine bar - IBC concerned about rear access, refuse storage, etc. and asked for more information from applicant.
12 Duke Street, 7 storey office block - we had no objection but the Environment Agency need to be convinced that workers above the ground floor can be evacuated in case of more than one metre deep flooding if once in 200 years!
Cromwell Square, erection of statue commemorating, Prince Obolensky - IBC approved.
We note the actual or potential demise of some of the big 1930s pubs - The Racecourse, The Haven, The Duke of Gloucester, The Waveney Arms with their spacious bowling greens. Although understandable commercially, this is a loss of neighbourhood social centres.
Two big applications came in too late for comment here, but will be covered in the next Newsletter. They are the' Shed 8' site next to Neptune Marina on Orwell Quay and an office development in Princes Street on the corner of Chalon Street.