Part of the Ipswich Society’s response to the Government’s White Paper


National Infrastructure

We accept that major national schemes which go to public enquiry, sometimes multiple, have gone on for far too long and cost too much. We support these proposals insofar as they will apply only to major items of national strategic importance whose need will have been announced and then debated in Parliament……It is vital that in any new system full and adequate space is given for the view and objections of local people, and organisations should properly be heard. The devil will be in the as yet unseen detail.


Sustainable Development

We support the permit for householders to develop micro-generation. However we understand that many smaller scale installations are unable to supply enough energy to make them economic or CO2 saving over their life-cycle. This applies especially to domestic installations. We would like to see research and clear advice on this. We are concerned that there will be a rash of politically correct, though inefficient, wind turbines, particularly in conservation areas. It will be important not to allow them as universal permitted development.


Housing and Employment

We are concerned that the proposals to increase responsiveness to economic development will increase pressure to allow schemes that combine housing and employment initially but will change in course of time.


Out-of-town Retail

We should not remove the need for impact tests for out-of-town retail developments, even if a town centred approach is introduced.


Design Quality

If the need for planning approval is reduced we can see an increase of poorly designed non-sustainable buildings. In recent years soe progress has been made to improve design. It would be retrograde if this small improvement were to be lost.


In summary we agree that many of the proposals are to be welcomed, but extreme care in the wording and details of the Bill is essential to prevent the loss of local control of planning (and so favouring) developers and the central Government.