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The Ipswich Society's contribution to MAD (Making a Difference) in Alexandra Ward, which includes the town centre, was a 25-page document of suggestions. Set out in table form, street by street, the survey covered street furniture (with a predominance of redundant traffic signs) fly posting and graffiti.
Subsequent visits to the surveyed streets highlighted that we had included about a third of the clutter that could be easily removed, and checking against the index indicated we had only visited half of the streets! The table below is an example for part of Princes Street.
Making a Difference - Alexandra Ward (Town Centre
outside Barclays Bank, Princes St: Fly posting on silver box
outside Giles Tavern, Princes St: Wheelie bins on pavement, permanent feature
opposite No. 35 Princes St: Fly posting on TV camera post
outside Willis, Princes St: Fly posting on telephone switch box
opposite Willis, Princes St Priorities changed sign, established junction
outside Willis, Princes St: Fly posting on Direction sign
outside No. 38 Princes St: Redundant posts x2
Our submission has not yet been acknowledged by 113C nor has there been any sign on the ground of the removal of items from the list.
The Council's remaining programme ward by ward is as follows. In each case an audit will be done a few weeks before the work begins. These dates are for the actual clean up work which will continue into next year until June.
Alexandra, Gainsborough and Gipping Wards completed. Rushmere being done.
Whitton 18 October - 5 November
Westgate 8 November - 3 December
Priory Heath 3 January - 21 January
Stoke Park 17 January - 4 February
Bixley 31 January - 18 February
Whitehouse 21 February - 11 March
St Margaret's 14 March - I April
Holywells 4 April - 22 April
Sprites 25 April - 13 May
St John's 16 May - 3 June
Castle Hill 6 June -