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"It has declined however, from its former consequence; the manufactures of broad cloth and canvas are at an end; and its present commerce chiefly depends on the malting and exportation of corn to London, and timber to the different dockyards.
It has a substantial coasting trade, and a small share of foreign commerce, and has lately sent ships to Greenland. Vessels of great burthen are obliged to stop at some distance below the town, and passage-vessels sail on every tide from hence, to Harwich and back, similarly to the Gravesend boats; and the beautiful scenery along the winding banks of the Orwell render it a delightful excursion, and much frequented.
The market has been lately built on a very extensive and handsome scale, and a new town hall. The new county gaol is a very fine building. Here is also a new theatre. Markets on Tuesday and Thursday for small meat, on Wednesday and Friday for fish, and on Saturday for provisions of all kinds. And annual races in July."