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Dates for your diary
Ipswich Society Outings 2014:
- August 4 Houses of Parliament, London
- Tuesday 16 September Barrow Boys and Bankers, London
2014/15 Winter illustrated talks at the Museum Street Methodist Church - entrance in Black Horse Lane - 7.30pm (followed by tea and biscuits):
- Wednesday 15 October Tim Buxbaum, author of '100 best buildings in Suffolk'
- Wednesday 19 November 7.30pm Ipswich Society Annual Awards Evening. Venue tbc. Members are invited to suggest nominations of buildings and developments in Ipswich; send them to the Society's Honorary Secretary.
- Wednesday 17 December Speaker to be confirmed.
Do contact the Hon. Secretary if you would like to receive the Newsletter by email, rather than the paper version. It has been positively received by those who have opted for it and helps to reduce the Society's costs.