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Our AGM was held on Wednesday, 25 April at University Campus Suffolk overseen by the Society's President, the Mayor of Ipswich, Councillor John le Grys. John Norman as Acting Chairman warmly thanked Jack Chapman for his greatly valued twelve years in the Chair.
The Minutes of the 2011 AGM, the Chairman's Report and the Society's accounts were all approved. Following the retirement of Jack Chapman as Chairman and Ken Wilson as Treasurer, John Norman and Graham Smith were elected Chairman and Treasurer respectively. Members of the Executive Committee retiring by rotation, viz. Caroline Markham (Secretary), Pat Grimwade, Dianne Hosking, Tony Marsden and Russell Nunn, were all re-elected. Jack Chapman and Ken Wilson were also elected as Committee members. Mike Brain, who has left the Committee, will be missed for his contributions to environmental and ecological matters. Full details of the Committee are on the back page.
John Norman invited members present to fill in a card with their e-mail addresses (useful for urgent contact) and indicating whether they would be prepared to buy the History of the Society in book form, which is still being prepared.
The AGM proved to be a pleasant occasion partly because of the fine talk by Alastair Lang which followed (see below) and the excellent drinks and nibbles at the end, made all the more enjoyable by the help of several members whose contribution was much appreciated.