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Our Golden Anniversary celebrations continue this autumn on Wednesday, 13 October at Isaacs, Wherry Quay on the Waterfront. The Isaac Lord merchant quarter is a stunning restoration which won an Award of Distinction at our Awards Evening last year.
We will start the evening at 7.30 pm with a talk by Ken Powell, the former Director of the Twentieth Century Society and Honorary Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects. This will be followed by a buffet supper, with a pay bar, on the top floor of Isaacs which affords some of the finest views of the Ipswich Waterfront. Tickets for this event are £10.
On Wednesday, 10 November, our Annual Awards Evening will be held in the Old Council Chamber in the Town Hall. Information about this will appear in the October Newsletter.
The year will finish with a grand celebratory dinner at Greshams, Tuddenham Road, on Friday, 3 December. Information about this dinner will be sent out under separate cover during September.