- Screen Colours:
- Normal
- Black & Yellow
Ipswich Society Outings 2014
- Thursday 20 March 2014 -- Capital Curios, London
- Saturday 26 April 2014 -- Audley End, Essex
- Wednesday 21 May 2014 -- Ipswich Waterfront walk
- June 2014 -- Ipswich walk (to be announced)
- August 2014 -- Houses of Parliament, London
- Tuesday 16 September 2014 -- Barrow Boys and Bankers, London
Winter Illustrated Talks at the Museum Street Methodist Church - entrance in Black Horse Lane - 7.30pm (followed by tea and biscuits)
- Wednesday 15 January 2014 -- Mervyn Russen, 'The first railway to Ipswich and beyond'
- Wednesday 19 February 2014 -- Phil Smart, 'Getting back on track' (railways in the future)
- Wednesday 19 March 2014 -- Darren Barker, Principal Conservation Officer at Great Yarmouth Borough Council
Ipswich Society Annual General Meeting, April 30th