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In 1985 the Society compiled a Local List of worthy buildings not officially Listed by English Heritage. Several of our members helped with photographing buildings for the book we published. This has needed updating. It became clear that the Borough Council Conservation Department was keen to do this with our assistance, Gail Broom of IBC, has completed the first part of the exercise which is to review all the interesting buildings outside the Conservation Areas, which of course have no protection whatsoever.
Placing a building on a Local List could be regarded as akin to 'Grade In' listing. No legal constraints are applied to alterations or development but central direction suggests that planners and committees should bear it in mind. The Inspector's report on her refusal to allow an appeal against the demolition of Barton House, an Edwardian house in Stone Lodge Lane of particular local heritage importance, is a landmark. Members of the Conservation Panel, on which the Society is well represented, have discussed some 300 buildings in three long meetings. IBC will now inform the owners. I am hopeful that we will then proceed to look at interesting buildings, particularly those built after 1914, within Conservation Areas. Finally we could proceed to publication of a new Local List.