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Strategic Planning for Ipswich
The manner in which a planning authority's strategic plan is produced is changing. After the prolonged labour that produced the 235 page 2001 Ipswich Local Plan in one process, we now look at various topics such as housing, employment, transport, etc. area by area whilst retaining an overall Ipswich perspective. All of this is driven by the East of England Regional Spatial Strategy, at which the Society gave evidence.
The next step is the Local Development Framework for inner Ipswich. The Borough Council's Executive Committee has produced many documents including its preferred options:
- The Council plans to meet Ministers' housing targets by allocating land for 6,800 new homes for Ipswich by 2021 to ensure the overall target of 15,400 new homes is met.
- 35% of new developments to be affordable homes; at least 65% of those for rent.
- The Crane's site in south-east Ipswich becomes a Strategic Employment Site.
- The creation of a green ring around the outside of the town.
- All major development have at least 10% green space.
- No more out-of-town retail parks within the Borough boundary.
- A Wet Dock crossing is supported, and transport links between the railway station, the Waterfront and the town centre will be provided.
- The Council believes a possible northern by-pass outside the Borough boundary should be properly considered.
This and much else can be viewed at the Town Hall One-Stop Customer Service Centre or online at www.ipswich.gov.uk and click on "Mapping the Future" at the bottom right hand. The options will be well publicised in The Angle and all media in the New Year. There will be six public consultation meetings and the Strategic Planning Team will make a presentation at all five forums. A summary of the proposals will be discussed at two meetings of the Society's Executive Committee so that we can formulate the Society's considered reply. Members' input in any form will be welcome.
Mike Cook