All of our 2019 outings were fully booked (with the exception of the Buckingham Palace visit which had very good up-take), so we must be getting it right. However if you have any ideas for outings please let me know and they will find their way onto the list for consideration at our annual Outings Committee meeting in July. We have another varied and interesting package for you this year, with the booking form for the April, May and June visits is in this Newsletter, plus a flyer from the Ipswich Maritime Trust - I have booked one of their trips on the Victor for the Ipswich Society on August 13th.  I look forward to meeting up with many of you on outings this summer, and meanwhile if I could just remind you that we cannot guarantee that booking fees will be refunded if you cancel later than one week prior to the date of the excursion. Should we have to cancel any of the outings due to the Corona virus epidemic you will be informed and your cheque will not be cashed.

Caroline Markham