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Friday, 23 April 7.30 pm AGM in the atrium of Suffolk New College. After the brief AGM there will be a talk by Jonathan Glancey, architecture and design correspondent of The Guardian. Refreshments will be canapés, wine and soft drinks.
Wednesday, 12 May 7.30 pm Our first evening of the year in St Peter's Church on the Waterfront. Music by the Ipswich Youth Steel Band. Talk by Tony Burton, Director of the Civic Society Initiative. Light finger buffet, wine and soft drinks.
Wednesday, 16 June 7.30 pm An evening in the Willis Building, with an open roof garden. Talk by Jay Merrick, the architecture correspondent of The Independent. Drinks and a fork buffet supper. Cost of ticket £10.00. Booking on the pro forma separate sheet enclosed (because the numbers are limited).
Wednesday, 14 July 7.30 pm A summer evening at Woolverstone Hall with a chance to explore the grounds. Our speaker is Neil Clayton who taught at the Hall for several years and knows it very well. Drinks and buffet supper. Cost of ticket £10.00. Booking on the separate sheet (numbers limited).
Detailed information and booking details about autumn and winter anniversary events will appear in the July Newsletter. The dates are: Wednesday, 13 or 20 October with Ken Powell of The Twentieth Century Society as speaker; Wednesday, 10 November for our Annual Awards Evening; Friday, 3 December for our end of year dinner.