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The former Cranfield's garage site, Key Street: students' accommodation of 4-8 storeys.
The previous application was refused permission. The Society has responded to this new application:
"It seems that this proposal is the most sensible use of this site, constrained as it is between two major traffic flows. In the present financial climate we should allow what are required residencies close to the University Campus. The overall design is adequate with some interesting features of prefabrication off-site which will aid construction here. Now that air quality studies have been carried out we think permission should be granted."
'Shed 7', Duke Street/Orwell Quay, 6 storey academic building for UCS.
See January Newsletter. Permission granted by IBC. [UCS is short of money, but we are pleased to add that they will receive IBC's grant of £1m, although in two annual instalments.]
'Shed 8', Duke Street/Orwell Quay, the site nearer to the existing Neptune Marina flats; a planning application for up to 13 storeys for 190 flats and a 93 bedroom hotel.
IBC has refused permission because the design is not good enough.
Site of driving test centre, 243 Woodbridge Road, 29 houses and 19 flats.
Harris Bacon factory, Hadleigh Road, refurbishment and new commercial units.
Permission probably granted but subject to Section 106 agreement with Head of Planning.
Great Whip Street/Stoke Quay, 8m high steel sculpture.
Norwich Road/Orford Street, Coe's, first floor extension.
53-55 Westerfield Road; application changed from two dwellings to re-building the present structure.
Approved - which represents a small victory for the many objectors!
6 Tuddenham Road, application to build two detached houses.
Permission refused because of overcrowding and loss of trees, etc.
36 Gainsborough Road, erection of 2 storey house in back garden.
Refused because of overdevelopment and loss of green areas and trees.
Toller Road, timber storage yard, 6 storey block of 28 apartments.
Permission refused.
Regatta Quay, an extra storey on Tower A requested.
The Society will respond soon.
Trafalgar House, Tower Street, former Yates's Wine Bar.
Application by J D Wetherspoon for changes of hours of business. The Society will write soon.
Mike Cook