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We believe that the potential shopping areas (outside the present core) should be considered to be as follows:
The Mint Quarter might be an attractive site for an upmarket anchor store, but it would be risky as the area is now lower end of market. We still live in hope however.
The Westgate Quarter (ex-Civic Centre) is very attractive either for a supermarket or an upper end store, particularly as it is close to arterial roads and has a car park.
The Old Cattle Market is outdated for the bus station and urgently need relocation. As it is, it really can't do as the route from the centre to the Waterfront and would need money spent on it anyway. That could well come from a mixed development, spacious tree-lined walk with speciality shops below and residential above.
We do not believe that shopping should spread north of the main east-west route, Crown Street. We think that would be inappropriate and probably not supported by the retail market.