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Our January Newsletter reported that St Margaret's Church has been raised to a Grade I Listing. It is pleasing to report now that parts of Isaac's Lord's warehouses have also been accorded the national top Listing - recognition of the outstanding value of this wonderful complex of buildings which many members will have visited on Heritage Open Days.
We thought that readers would like to see the full complement of Grade I and Grade II* Listed Buildings in Ipswich, which is indeed an historic town with many precious features.
Grade I Buildings
- Christchurch Mansion
- The Ancient House
- Gateway to Wolsey's College (also an Ancient Monument)
- 80 and 80A Fore Street (Isaac Lord's)
- Unitarian Meeting House
- Willis (Corroon) office building
- 7 Northgate Street
- St Margaret's Church
- 2 St Peter's Street (The Sailors' Rest: photo page 23)
Grade II* Buildings
- Cliff Lane: The Margaret Catchpole public house
- College Street: St Peter's Church
- Constitution Hill: "Woodside"
- Dial Lane: St Lawrence's Church
- Elm Street: St Mary at the Elms Church
- Fore Street: Nos.56-58
- Fore Street: Nos.80-80A (Isaac Lord's warehouse at rear)
- Fore Street: Nos.86-88
- Fore Street: Wherry Quay public house
- Friars Road: St Nicholas's Church
- Gippeswyk Avenue: Gippeswyk Hall
- Key Street: St Mary at the Quay Church
- Key Street: The Old Custom House
- Northgate Street: No.9
- Northgate Street: Pykenham's Gatehouse
- St Clement's Church Lane: St Clement's Church
- St Margaret's Street: Nos.56-58
- St Margaret's Street: Nos.35-39
- Silent Street: Nos. 1-9
- Soane Street: No.2
- Tavern Street: No.43 (Great White Horse Hotel)
- Tower Street: St Mary le Tower Church
- Tower Street: No. 19
Additionally Blackfriars Priory is classified as an Ancient Monument (AM).
There are 677 Grade II buildings on the DCMS Statutory List for the Ipswich District, a list which was last updated on 14 September 2001.
The highest concentration of Listed Buildings is in Fore Street [photo below] with two Grade I, five Grade II*, and 77 Grade II. The list is available from Reception at Civic Centre for £2.25. The interesting and helpful website concerning all aspects of conservation in the Borough is here.
How many people in Ipswich appreciate that Fore Street is so rich in distinguished buildings? It was given a lift with the co-ordinated redecoration scheme in the 1960s but was cruelly sliced through to create the Star Lane gyratory system. Out-of-town shopping also greatly reduced its importance. Until recently it has seemed off-centre and leading to nowhere.
The creation of the Maritime Trail has helped to draw attention to what was once a major route to and from the docks. But clearly much more is needed to bring Fore Street fully back to life. We must hope that the multiplicity of new developments around the Wet Dock together with other developments in this vicinity will once again make this grand old street a thriving part of Ipswich