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11-15 Bedford Street
These three houses on the south side of the street (between Berners Street and St George's Street) are in a poor state - one uninhabited, another bedsits and the third lived in by a lady for most of her long life. All three have been inspected and found to be "unfit for human habitation" in accordance with the Housing Act 1985. The Council therefore has a statutory duty to take action.
Part of the disrepair is due to some ongoing structural movement, which an independent structural engineer has estimated will cost £150,000 to rectify. Attempts to reach a consensus for Group Repair have not been successful.
The Housing Department has therefore decided that demolition is their only option to allow redevelopment. To this end they have consulted local residents and held a public meeting. Their proposal goes to the Executive Committee of IBC on 8 April 2003. This is a unique situation in England. There are no compulsory demolition orders on housing which could be restored in a Conservation Area.
The Society has been in contact and supported the active local residents' group, attended the public meeting and written letters. The Council say that all negotiations have failed and that the order must go ahead unless a last minute solution is found. We shall press for more time to find a less destructive solution.